3.4 Request GIF / Namespaced Saga

In the section, we are going to implment the main logic of RandomGif component:

  • UI includes a Get Gif button & a GIF image display area
  • When click the button, the component should request remote API for a new GIF URL and display the GIF in the display area

Firstly, we need to update the initial component state to the followings (in src/RandomGif/index.js):

this.state = {
    isLoading: false, //--- whether the component is requesting a GIF from remote server
    imageUrl: null, // --- received GIF image URL
    error: null // --- whether an error is captured during last network request

Then, the render() method needs to be updated with required UI (in src/RandomGif/index.js):

render() {
    return (
                {/* Only show image when `this.state.imageUrl` is received */}
                {this.state.imageUrl &&
                    !this.state.isLoading &&
                    !this.state.error && (
                {(!this.state.imageUrl || this.state.isLoading) &&
                    !this.state.error && (
                                ? "Requesting API..."
                                : "No GIF loaded yet!"}
                {this.state.error && (
                    <p>{`Failed to request API: ${this.state.error}`}</p>
                    onClick={() => {
                            // --- dispatch `REQUEST_NEW_GIF` action
                {/* When requesting API, the button shows  `Requesting API...` */}
                    {this.state.isLoading ? "Requesting API..." : "Get Gif"}

To implement our logic, we need to define the following action types (in src/RandomGif/actions/types.js):

// --- Trigger by `Get Gif` button. `Saga` monitor this action to trigger network request
export const REQUEST_NEW_GIF = Symbol("REQUEST_NEW_GIF");

// --- Once a GIF url is received, this action will be used to update `this.state` via reducer
export const RECEIVE_NEW_GIF = Symbol("RECEIVE_NEW_GIF");

// --- Update state with any possible error during the network request

And define the following action creators (in src/RandomGif/actions/index.js):

import * as actionTypes from "./types";

export function requestNewGif() {
    return {
        type: actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF

export function receiveNewGif(imgUrl) {
    return {
        type: actionTypes.RECEIVE_NEW_GIF,
        payload: imgUrl

export function requestNewGifError(error) {
    return {
        type: actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF_ERROR,
        payload: error

Next, we need to update reducer with the following logic:

import * as actionTypes from "../actions/types";

const reducer = function(state, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF:
        // --- when receive `REQUEST_NEW_GIF`, set state.isLoading to true
        // --- and error to null
            return {
                isLoading: true,
                error: null
        case actionTypes.RECEIVE_NEW_GIF: {
        // --- Update state.imageUrl with received GIF image URL
            const imageUrl = action.payload;
            return {
                isLoading: false,
                error: null,
        case actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF_ERROR:
        // --- Update state.error with any errors during the network request
            return {
                isLoading: false,
                error: action.payload
        default: return state;
export default reducer;

Next, we need to create a saga to:

  • monitor the REQUEST_NEW_GIF and request API
  • Dispatch RECEIVE_NEW_GIF with API request result (the GIF url)
  • Dispatch REQUEST_NEW_GIF_ERROR with any possible error

A saga is a Generator Function run an event loop or managing side-effects. It is run by redux-saga internally. In the saga, you can use yield operator to yield a effect description object. redux-saga will creata the effect, get result back to you via the return value of the yield operator and resume your saga's execution. More info on this can be found from ManageableComponentOptions.saga

When your saga is run, an effects parameter is passed to your saga contains a list of effect creator functions. You can use the provided effect creator functions to create effects.

You can create a file (src/RandomGif/sagas/index.js) with the followings:

import * as actionTypes from "../actions/types";
import * as actions from "../actions";

// --- request `giphy` API for random GIF url
// --- return a Promise
function fetchGif(apiKey) {
    return fetch(
    ).then(response => response.json()).catch(error=>{
        throw new Error("Giphy API key is invalid or exceeded its daily / hourly limit.");

const mainSaga = function*(effects) {
            // --- create an effect of taking an `REQUEST_NEW_GIF` action 
            // --- from this Component's action channel
            // --- Until an action is available for being taken, this saga will not resume its execution.
            const action = yield effects.take(actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF);
            // --- Create an `call` effect to execute a sub-routine
            // --- Your saga will not resume until sub-routine is complete
            // --- If you don't want the sub-routine block your saga's execution,
            // --- you can create a `fork` effect instead
            // --- you should put a correct API key here instead of `xxxxxxxxxxxx`
            const response = yield effects.call(fetchGif, "xxxxxxxxxxxx"); 
            const imgUrl = response.data.fixed_width_small_url;
            // --- dispatch an action with new img Url as payload
            yield effects.put(actions.receiveNewGif(imgUrl));
        yield effects.put(actions.requestNewGifError(e));
export default mainSaga;

You may notice that we used a while(true) loop for monitor all REQUEST_NEW_GIF action. You don't need to worry about this while loop. It won't occupy the main thread of the web browser and cause any render issue as line:

const action = yield effects.take(actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF);

will not return until a REQUEST_NEW_GIF is received.

You don't have to always write a while(true) event loop. You can use: takeEvery, takeLatest or takeLeading effect creator to acheive the similar function. They are provided as shortcut and implmented using take effect. e.g. the above while loop can also be re-written to:

const mainSaga = function*(effects) {
    yield effects.takeLeading(actionTypes.REQUEST_NEW_GIF, function*(action) {
            const response = yield effects.call(fetchGif, "xxxxxxxxxxxx"); 
            const imgUrl = response.data.fixed_width_small_url;
            yield effects.put(actions.receiveNewGif(imgUrl));
            yield effects.put(actions.requestNewGifError(e));

In the end, you can add the saga into your Component Container via ManageableComponentOptions / saga option

import React from "react";
import { ComponentManager } from "fractal-component";
import * as actionTypes from "./actions/types";
import reducer from "./reducers";
import * as actions from "./actions";
import saga from "./sagas";

class RandomGif extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            isLoading: false,
            imageUrl: null,
            error: null
        this.componentManager = new ComponentManager(this, {
            namespace: "io.github.t83714/RandomGif",
            // --- register saga

    render() { ... }

export default RandomGif;

If you run the app via npm start, you will find that once click the Get Gif button, a GIF image is shown in the display area.


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