
useComponentManager is a custom React Hook built with React Hook APIs (available from React v16.8.0). It offers an easier way to package all logic and create an reusable component from a React Function Component. useComponentManager is available from fractal-component v4.1.0

const [
] = useComponentManager(props, options);

Once called in a React Function Component, it will return the followings:

  • state: return the reference of the component state.
  • dispatch: A dispatch function that can be used to dispatch namespaced actions. It is a bound version of ComponentManager.dispatch with exactly same functionality.
  • getNamespaceData: A function that get be used to retrieve the namespace data that may created by namespaceInitCallback. It is a bound version of ComponentManager.getNamespaceData with exactly same functionality.
  • componentManager: The reference of the created ComponentManager instance. Like React's useState hook, useComponentManager hook will only create the ComponentManager once during the react function component lifecycle. Further calls untill the component is unmounted will return the same ComponentManager instance for the same component instance.

In fact, useComponentManager hook's return value can be used for either Object or Array destructuring assignment. i.e. you can either:

  • const [state, dispatch, getNamespaceData, componentManager] = useComponentManager(props, options)
  • OR const { state, dispatch, getNamespaceData, componentManager } = useComponentManager(props, options)

It might be convenient to use Object destructuring assignment when you want to omit one or more return values.


The props is the component props.

The options is a ManageableComponentOptions. More details can be found from here.


Here is a exmaple component (A complete example App built with useComponentManager hook can be found here):

import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { useComponentManager, AppContainer } from "fractal-component";
import * as actionTypes from "./actions/types";
import * as actions from "./actions/index";
import jss from "jss";
import jssDefaultPreset from "jss-preset-default";
import styles from "./styles";

function Counter(props) {

    const { state, getNamespaceData } = useComponentManager(props, {
        initState: {
            count: 0
        namespace: "io.github.t83714/Counter",
        reducer: function(state, action) {
            switch (action.type) {
                case actionTypes.INCREASE_COUNT: {
                    const { toggleButtonActive } = action;
                    const incresement =
                        state.count >= 10 && toggleButtonActive ? 2 : 1;
                    return { ...state, count: state.count + incresement };
                    return state;
         * Register actions for action serialisation / deserialisation.
         * It's much easier to use Symbol as action type to make sure no action type collision among different component.
         * ( Considering we now use actions as primary way for inter-component communication, it's quite important in a multicaset action environment)
        // --- specify accepted types of external multicast actions
        // --- By default, component will not accept any incoming multicast action.
        // --- No limit to actions that are sent out
        allowedIncomingMulticastActionTypes: [actionTypes.INCREASE_COUNT],
        // --- `namespaceInitCallback` is guaranteed only to be called once
        namespaceInitCallback: componentManager => {
            let jssRef;
            if (!props.styles) {
                // --- if use built-in style, we want to make sure this component use its own jss setting
                jssRef = jss.setup(jssDefaultPreset());
            } else {
                jssRef = jss;
            const styleSheet = jssRef
                .createStyleSheet(props.styles ? props.styles : styles, {
                    generateClassName: componentManager.createClassNameGenerator()
            return { styleSheet };
        namespaceDestroyCallback: ({ styleSheet }) => {

    const { styleSheet } = getNamespaceData();
    const { classes } = styleSheet;

    return (
        <div className={classes.table}>
            <div className={classes.cell}>Counter</div>
            <div className={`${classes.cell} ${classes["counter-container"]}`}>

Counter.propTypes = {
    styles: PropTypes.object,
    appContainer: PropTypes.instanceOf(AppContainer)

export default Counter;

export { actionTypes, actions };

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