
1. Overview

ActionForwarder is a helper fractal-component Container Component that used to redirect / forward action dispatch flow. It acts as normal React Component and can used anywhere in React Component tree (i.e. its functionality won't be impacted in any way by its position on the React Component Tree). Its render() method simply return null. Therefore, it won't be rendered by react. Instead, it provides a reconfigurable way to:

  • Forward action from one Namespace path to another Namespace path
  • Optionally convert actions to a different type and alter action data

Here is an example of typical usage of ActionForwarder:

    <div className={classes.table}>
        <div className={classes.cell}>
                RandomGif / RandomGifPair / RandomGifPairPair support apiKey property as well
                You can supply your giphy API key as component property
            <RandomGif namespacePrefix="exampleApp/RandomGif" />
            {/*Forward `NEW_GIF` actions (and convert to `INCREASE_COUNT`) to ToggleButton for processing*/}
        <div className={classes.cell}>
            <Counter namespacePrefix="exampleApp/Counter" />
    <div className={classes.table}>
        <div className={classes.cell}>
            <RandomGifPair namespacePrefix="exampleApp/RandomGifPair" />
            {/*Forward `NEW_GIF` actions (and convert to `INCREASE_COUNT`) to ToggleButton for processing*/}
        <div className={classes.cell}>
                ToggleButton acts as a proxy --- depends on its status
                add an `toggleButtonActive`= true / false field to all actions
                and then forward actions to Counter
        <RandomGifPairPair namespacePrefix="exampleApp/RandomGifPairPair" />
        {/*Forward `NEW_GIF` actions (and convert to `INCREASE_COUNT`) to ToggleButton for processing*/}

The full example can be found from here.

2. Key Properties

The ActionForwarder's functionalities can be configured by its React Component properties. Here is the list of supported properties:

2.1 namespacePrefix

You can adjust ActionForwarder's Full Namespace Path via this properties to make sure the interested actions can reach your ActionForwarder. More info on component namespace can be found from here.

2.2 pattern

You can use pattern to specify the actions that you are interested in and ActionForwarder will only forward the actions match your pattern. This property can be the followings:

  • string "*": match any actions.
  • Symbol: e.g. randomGifActionTypes.NEW_GIF above: Only match the actions with the symbol as action type.
  • Function: the action is matched if pattern(action) is true.
  • Array: Each item in the array is matched with beforementioned rules. e.g. If you set array below as pattern, actions with either type randomGifActionTypes.NEW_GIF or counterActionTypes.INCREASE_COUNT will be matched.
    [randomGifActionTypes.NEW_GIF, function(action){
      return action.type === counterActionTypes.INCREASE_COUNT;

2.3 relativeDispatchPath

You can use relativeDispatchPath property to specify the dispatch namespace path that you want ActionForwarder to forwarder to.

Please note: this is a relative path that will be calculated based on ActionForwarder's namespacePrefix property above.

e.g. if ActionForwarder's namespacePrefix is exampleApp/RandomGifPairPair and relativeDispatchPath is ../ToggleButton/*, the actual dispatch path will be exampleApp/ToggleButton/*.

2.4 transformer

You can use transformer property to either change the action type or alter action data before forward it. It can be the followings:

  • Symbol: Replace the received actions' type to the Symbol provided by this property.
  • Function: Take the received action as parameter and return an altered action for forwarding.

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    No results matching ""