

fractal-component allows you to encapsulate the component state data in a namespace container. However, sometimes, you may want to share state data among encapsulated components. SharedState allows you to define a piece of state data with its own reducer and share it with other components. fractal-component handles the sharing & mapping process in a transparent way. i.e. the shared state data will be mapped into target component local state data automacally as if it was part of the component original state data. In the meantime. there is only one copy of the shared state data stored in the global redux store.

Like component state data, you can only update shared state data via its own namespaced reducer by dispatching action defined in the SharedState's namespace (i.e. the target component reducer can't see the shared state data). To make it easier to deliver action to the SharedState's namespace, if you dispatch an action that defined by the SharedState state without specifying the dispatch path, the action will be delivered to the SharedState's reducer directly.

SharedState requires fractal-component 4.3.0 or higher.

Define Shared State

You can define SharedState by createSharedState() function.

Here is an example:

import { createSharedState } from "fractal-component";
import * as actions from "./actions";
import * as actionTypes from "./actions/types";
import reducer from "./reducers";

const SharedStateA = createSharedState({
    // --- the namespace of the shared state container
    namespace: "io.github.t83714/SharedStateA",
    // --- all action types defined by the shared state container
    // --- the shared state reducer
    // --- initial state data of the sahred state
    initState: {
        b: 2

export default SharedStateA;
export { actionTypes, actions };

Use Shared State

You can specify SharedState that you want to be mapped into your component when create the component via sharedStates option.

Here is an example:

import { ComponentManager, AppContainerContext } from "fractal-component";
class ComponentA extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = initState();
        this.componentManager = new ComponentManager(this, {
            namespace: "io.github.t83714/ComponentA",
            initState: {
                a: 1
            sharedStates: {

    render() {
         * this.state will be 
         * {
         *   a: 1,
         *   SharedStateA: {
         *     b: 2
         *   }
         * }
ComponentA.contextType = AppContainerContext;

Or use userComponentManager hook to define a function component:

import { useComponentManager } from "fractal-component";

const ComponentA = props => {
    const [state, dispatch] = useComponentManager(props, {
        namespace: "io.github.t83714/ComponentA",
        initState: {
            a: 1
        sharedStates: {

     * state will be 
     * {
     *   a: 1,
     *   SharedStateA: {
     *     b: 2
     *   }
     * }

    return <div>test</div>;

export default createComponentA;

Example App

An example app can be found from here

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